I’m tired. Are you?
Tired of feeling worried about loved ones and adapting to constant change.
Tired of paying attention to how close people are standing to you or when you last put hand sanitiser on, but always wanting to do the right thing.
Tired of missing your old life and the things you enjoyed.
And tired of wondering if things will ever go back to normal.
The official definition of stress is that it occurs when there’s an imbalance between the demands we're facing and the resources we have available to meet those demands. We need “resources” like enough time, energy, motivation, and the knowledge or skills to deal with whatever we're facing. But when resources and demands get out of balance, we experience stress. And when those demands are a pandemic that seems to go on... and on..? While stress in the short-term is not such a problem, chronic stress takes its toll. Hormones like cortisol and adrenaline build up in the body over time and start to take their toll on both our physical and mental health. So what can we do about it? The key is to keep this “stress balance” in mind. Here are 2 ways to deal with pandemic fatigue:
Reduce Demands: Go Easy on Yourself
This year has demanded a lot of you... so it's more important than ever that you cut yourself some slack and don't add to those demands by expecting yourself to do even more. Friend, it's okay if you didn't learn a new language, start a side business, or map out your life plan this year. If you're drawn to do those things and they fill you up - great. That actually puts them in the "resources" column. But if there's a voice in your head saying you didn't do enough or that you’ve wasted this year, some self-compassion might be just what you need. Stress makes everything harder, including getting motivated. Remind yourself that all these changes have been a pretty big deal, and maybe that was enough to deal with. Acknowledge what you have done: your best.
Increase Resources: Learn Emotional Resilience Skills
You can also alter the stress balance by increasing the resources you have available to deal with the emotional demands of the pandemic. There's a myth that says being resilient is about being a "strong person", but that's just not true. Just like you can learn to cook, to play baseball, or to practice the habits that keep you in good physical health -- you can also learn to land on your feet when challenges arise. Research over the last 20 years has uncovered specific, actionable processes that help us to cope with life's challenges and recover more quickly. Times like these highlight our need for these practical skills more than ever, and I've never been more passionate about teaching them. Here's how you can get started:
Read the blog: Understanding Anxiety During Coronavirus
Read the blog: 3 Ways to Build Resilience during Coronavirus
Watch the video: Alleviate Loneliness during Coronavirus
Enroll in my highly-rated course: Coronavirus: Coping with Uncertainty and Lifestyle Changes
Watch a free sample video from the course: How to Regain Control in an Uncertain Time [Click "preview this course" to watch for free]
I hope you find these helpful. Hit reply and let me know which technique you'll be focusing on! By altering the balance between demands and resources, we can reduce our stress and better deal with pandemic fatigue.